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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Edmodo: Social Networking for Teachers and Students

Hi Gang!

I constantly get the question, "Mrs. Paich, do you have Facebook." Well, the answer is "yes, but you will NEVER find me!" Granted there is nothing on my Facebook that is questionable BUT I really don't want them in every aspect of my life. They are with me 8 hrs a day, why do they need to spend time with me OUTSIDE of the school day? 

Well, the constant questioning of "do you have Facebook?" has got me thinking. 

My special education students want to use Facebook and there definitely is an opening for engagement in Mark's multi-billion dollar creation.    

So, what to do? 

In comes! A workshop just reminded me of the service that I discovered a while back. So, just like Inspiration, I'm planning to dust of this service and create a profile for me and have my students create a profile. Although, I have to make sure this fits into my district policy. 

Edmodo is a hybrid Social Media site AND a micor-blogging platform that allows for parent, student and teacher collaboration. Parents can even access with their own unique group code to see student assignments, due dates, grades, and direct messages between the teacher and student. Edmodo is strictly used for use in education. 

Edmodo has great opportunities for:

  •  Polling students (eliminating the need for those expensive clickers)
  • Project Based Learning- !!!!!!!!!!! UBD !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Student Collaboration
  • Online Assignment Pad
  • Posting resources for assignments/notices/notes etc. 
  • Discussions
  • View and Response 

How will you use Edmodo in the classroom?


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